
Using FLEXBridge™ to Create the Future of CX


The Future of Customer Experience 

Today, every business is a service business and success is tied to the customer experience.  Discover how the customer journey never truly ends and the impact of disconnected teams on the CX ecosystem in this 30 minute webinar from Vivantio's Vice President of Technology Andrew Stevens. 

Find out how Vivantio’s new enhancement, FLEXBridge™, allows for seamless integration with virtually every other essential tool and helps create a "web of relations" that can put you at a competitive advantage. 

As part of the complete customer experience ecosystem, Vivantio's Unified Service Management Platform integrated with FLEXBridge enables B2Bs to:

  • Gain comprehensive visibility into virtually all data that touches any part of the Customer Journey
  • Use no-code technology to simplify bi-directional data integration and mapping
  • Track and report on the KPIs essential to improved service
  • Tailor service provision at the individual customer level